上半年以来,以电子狗、行车记录仪等产品为代表国内汽车小电子产品热销市场,不管是年初的广州展,还是年中的郑州展,这类产品是绝对的参展主力,这也反映出今年国内市场未来一段时间里的消费趋势。那么,相比国内市场以中低端为主的行车记录仪产品,日韩市场同类产品又有哪些异同?为此,本刊通过淘宝店主“捷力快车汽车精品店”测试了韩国PITTASOFT今年推出的BlackVue DR-500GW-HD WiFi版行车记录仪,其工业设计、视频记录表现、功能等特点,给我们留下了极为深刻的印象。同时,为了对这款产品进行详细测试,我们进行了静态与动态双重测试,本文为动态测试部分。
Since the first half of the year, taking the electronic dog, driving recorder and other products as the representative of the domestic automobile small electronic product hot market, whether at the beginning of the Guangzhou exhibition or the mid-year exhibition in Zhengzhou, these products are absolutely the main exhibitors, which also reflects This year the domestic market for some time in the consumer trends. So, compared to the domestic market in the low-end-based driving recorder products, similar products in Japan and South Korea market What are the similarities and differences? To this end, the magazine through the owner of Taobao, “Czech Express Express car boutiques” tested South Korea PITTASOFT This year’s launch of the BlackVue DR-500GW-HD WiFi version of the driving recorder, its industrial design, video recording performance, features and other features, left us a very deep impression. At the same time, in order to conduct a detailed test of this product, we conducted a static and dynamic dual test, this article is part of the dynamic test.