1 病例简介患者男,65岁,以头痛、头胀伴左眼胀痛1年入院。近1年来患者自感头部胀痛,以前额部为主,伴左眼发胀,疼痛,易流泪,并逐渐出现视力模糊及眼球外突。曾用白内停、0.25%氯霉素眼药水等无好转。患者自发病以来无发热、鼻塞、流脓血涕等表现。查体:老年男性,一般情况好,左眼眶内上角局部隆起、压痛,骨壁不连续,似有骨质破坏。
1 case description Male patient, 65 years old, with headache, head swelling and left eye pain 1 year admission. Over the past year, patients with self-induced head pain, with the Ministry of the forehead, with the left eye swollen, pain, easy to cry, and gradually blurred vision and eyeball protrusion. Have stopped using white, 0.25% chloramphenicol eye drops and no improvement. Since the onset of patients with no fever, nasal congestion, runny nose, such as pus flow performance. Physical examination: elderly men, the general situation is good, the upper left corner of the local orbital uplift, tenderness, the wall is not continuous, there may be bone destruction.