黑子是太阳上经常出现的暗黑斑 点,是太阳活动的基本标志(图1,委内 瑞拉)。黑子之间很暗的部分称为本影, 周围较亮的部分称为半影。黑子的温度 大约在4000多度,比起四周的温度要低 1000多度,因此,在明亮的光球反衬下, 黑子显得是黑乎乎的一团(图2, 印度尼西亚)。 在古代天文望远镜没有发明 以前,由于太阳光照十分刺眼,看 到这种现象的机会不多。但在
Sunspots are the dark spots that often appear on the sun and are the hallmarks of solar activity (Figure 1, Venezuela). The dark part of the sunspot is called umbral, the brighter part is called penumbra. The temperature of sunspots is about 4000 degrees, which is about 1000 degrees lower than the temperature of the surrounding areas. Therefore, sunspots appear darker under the bright light of the ball (Figure 2, Indonesia). Before the ancient astronomical telescope was invented, due to the glare of the sun, there was not much chance of seeing this phenomenon. But in