一、 试题类型
1. 语言知识型,如各种语法规则、句型句式等。也包括词汇型,考查单词在特定语境下的基本用法、某些习惯用法、常用搭配等。
2. 判断推理型,考查考生对篇章的整体理解、上下文段落的衔接、逻辑思维与判断推理能力等。
3. 综合型,即对知识与能力综合运用的考查。
二、 试题考点
1. 以考查文意为主,注重考查考生的逻辑思维能力和对具体语境的把握能力,尤其是对整体语义的理解能力;
2. 考查信息词汇,或通常所说的“实词”——名词、动词、形容词和副词的用法或辨析,所占比重较大;
3. 考查连接词,考查考生对行文逻辑的掌握及上下文之间关联词的理解;
4. 结合文章考查对词语用法的掌握,主要涉及两个方面:词义辨析与惯用搭配;
5. 结合文章考查语法(如时态、冠词用法等),但这种题有逐年减少的趋势。
三、 备考要求
1. 要达到充足的词汇量。要准确理解和掌握课标所要求掌握的词汇的音、形、义及用法。特别要注意熟练掌握相当数量的短语和惯用法。
2. 要打下坚实的语法基础。表面上看,近几年的中考几乎没有单纯考语法的试题,因此,一些师生便认为语法的学习不再重要。这样的理解是片面的。实际上,注重对交际应用能力的考查从某种程度上说是对考生提出了更高的要求,考生必须打下坚实的语法基础,才能结合具体语言情境做出正确判断。
3. 要积累一定的阅读经验。应经常阅读一些短小精悍的文章,对各种体裁、题材、风格的文章都应有所涉及。通过阅读培养语感和基本的阅读理解能力。
四、 题例回顾
An old farmer lived with his grandson. Each morning, the 1 got up early and read his Bhagavad Gita(薄迦梵歌).
One day the grandson asked, “Grandpa! I try to read the book like you 2 I cant understand it, and I forget it easily. Whats the 3 of reading it?”
The grandfather said,“Take this coal(煤炭) basket down to the 4 and bring me back a basket of water.”
The boy did as his grandfather 5 , but all the water ran 6 he got home. The grandfather laughed, “Youll have to move faster next time.”
This time the boy 7 faster, but again the basket was empty. He told his grandfather that it was 8 to carry water in a basket. He wanted to use a bottle instead, but the old man said, “I just want a basket of water. Youre not 9 hard enough.”
The boy wanted to show his grandfather that the water would surely run. He again put the 10 into the river and ran hard. But there wasnt anything in it again. He said 11 , “Look, grandpa, its useless!”
“Watch the basket.” said the grandfather.
For the first time the boy 12 the basket was different. It had changed from a dirty old coal basket into a 13 one, inside and out.
“Boy, you might not understand or remember 14 when you read the book, but when you read it, you will be 15 , inside and out. Thats what you got from it.”
( )1. A. son B. father C. grandfather D. grandmother
( )2. A. so B. but C. or D. and
( )3. A. time B. place C. use D. habit
( )4. A. house B. beach C. lake D. river
一、 试题类型
1. 语言知识型,如各种语法规则、句型句式等。也包括词汇型,考查单词在特定语境下的基本用法、某些习惯用法、常用搭配等。
2. 判断推理型,考查考生对篇章的整体理解、上下文段落的衔接、逻辑思维与判断推理能力等。
3. 综合型,即对知识与能力综合运用的考查。
二、 试题考点
1. 以考查文意为主,注重考查考生的逻辑思维能力和对具体语境的把握能力,尤其是对整体语义的理解能力;
2. 考查信息词汇,或通常所说的“实词”——名词、动词、形容词和副词的用法或辨析,所占比重较大;
3. 考查连接词,考查考生对行文逻辑的掌握及上下文之间关联词的理解;
4. 结合文章考查对词语用法的掌握,主要涉及两个方面:词义辨析与惯用搭配;
5. 结合文章考查语法(如时态、冠词用法等),但这种题有逐年减少的趋势。
三、 备考要求
1. 要达到充足的词汇量。要准确理解和掌握课标所要求掌握的词汇的音、形、义及用法。特别要注意熟练掌握相当数量的短语和惯用法。
2. 要打下坚实的语法基础。表面上看,近几年的中考几乎没有单纯考语法的试题,因此,一些师生便认为语法的学习不再重要。这样的理解是片面的。实际上,注重对交际应用能力的考查从某种程度上说是对考生提出了更高的要求,考生必须打下坚实的语法基础,才能结合具体语言情境做出正确判断。
3. 要积累一定的阅读经验。应经常阅读一些短小精悍的文章,对各种体裁、题材、风格的文章都应有所涉及。通过阅读培养语感和基本的阅读理解能力。
四、 题例回顾
An old farmer lived with his grandson. Each morning, the 1 got up early and read his Bhagavad Gita(薄迦梵歌).
One day the grandson asked, “Grandpa! I try to read the book like you 2 I cant understand it, and I forget it easily. Whats the 3 of reading it?”
The grandfather said,“Take this coal(煤炭) basket down to the 4 and bring me back a basket of water.”
The boy did as his grandfather 5 , but all the water ran 6 he got home. The grandfather laughed, “Youll have to move faster next time.”
This time the boy 7 faster, but again the basket was empty. He told his grandfather that it was 8 to carry water in a basket. He wanted to use a bottle instead, but the old man said, “I just want a basket of water. Youre not 9 hard enough.”
The boy wanted to show his grandfather that the water would surely run. He again put the 10 into the river and ran hard. But there wasnt anything in it again. He said 11 , “Look, grandpa, its useless!”
“Watch the basket.” said the grandfather.
For the first time the boy 12 the basket was different. It had changed from a dirty old coal basket into a 13 one, inside and out.
“Boy, you might not understand or remember 14 when you read the book, but when you read it, you will be 15 , inside and out. Thats what you got from it.”
( )1. A. son B. father C. grandfather D. grandmother
( )2. A. so B. but C. or D. and
( )3. A. time B. place C. use D. habit
( )4. A. house B. beach C. lake D. river