建筑艺术给不同行业的设计师带来了触类旁通的灵感,设计师们用极具建筑结构美的造型,设计服装、鞋子、珠宝以及各种家居用品等等。法国著名奢华面料家族企业PIERRE FREY,其旗下的Boussac品牌,以地面建筑为灵感,把建筑中的网眼、蜂窝以及多面体结构作为设计元素,创造出了具有强烈建筑感的面料,这同时也呼应了近两年大热的“时尚与建筑”结合的设计趋势。该系列面料采用的是高科技的原材
Architectural art has brought designers of different industries a touch of inspiration, designers with great architectural beauty of the shape, design clothing, shoes, jewelry and a variety of household items and so on. PIERRE FREY, a famous French luxury fabric family business, under its Boussac brand, is inspired by ground construction and uses the architectural mesh, honeycomb and polyhedron structure as its design elements to create a fabric with a strong sense of construction, echoing In the past two years the hot “fashion and architecture” combined with the design trend. This series of fabrics is made of high-tech raw materials