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Liangshan Yi Autonomous Prefecture is the place in China with the largest population there are about 1. 54 million, of the Yi ethnic group living in this compact community. Until the democratic reform in the beginning of the 1950s, this area was still governed as a brutal slave society. It had low production, the method of agriculture was slash-and-burn. The reform and opening policy being implemented in China led to the great changes taken place in this region. Some of these changes have led to the awareness of market economy for the local people. As a result, a number of basic industries have taken shape with strong local flavor. These changes are, in part, to help with the development of agriculture through better management and planning. Various other economic activities associated with technological cooperations with the outside world have opened markets for the abundant natural resources which up to now have not been fully developed. Liangshan Yi Autonomous Prefecture is the place in China with the largest population there are about 1. 54 million, of the Yi ethnic group living in this compact community. Until the democratic reform in the beginning of the 1950s, this area was still governed as a It had low production, the method of agriculture was slash-and-burn. The reform and opening policy being implemented in China led to the great changes took place in this region. Some of these changes have led to the awareness of market economy for the local people. As a result, a number of basic industries have in shape with strong local flavor. These changes are, in part, to help with the development of agriculture through better management and planning. have long been established
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本文以建构主义为理论基础,结合本校作为全国大学英语教学改革优秀示范点的实践,探索提出了在信息技术环境下进行英语自主学习能力培养的教学模式。 Based on the construct
Pressure overload(PO) first causes cardiac hypertrophy and then heart failure(HF),which are associated with sex differences in cardiac morphology and function.W
独木得支  连续两年东部决赛,热火都是在抢七大战取胜才涉险过关。迈阿密人成为NBA历史上第三支连续两年赢下分区决赛抢七的球队,之前一支做到这点的球队要追踪到1962和1963年的凯尔特人。  生死一战,热火表现出了极强的韧性,这是他们在今年季后赛上的特质——不仅没有出现过连败,而且他们在输球的下一场,场均大胜对手22.3分。  热火是怎样在抢七大战上赢对手23分的?勒布朗最终从他的搭档那得到了一些
The process of the directed oxidiation of al-loy Al-1%Mg-7%Si was invertigated by X-Ray diffraction(XRD),optical microscopy,scanning electron microscopy(SEM)and