茶花栽培起于隋唐。盛于宋。 茶花有梅的风骨,牡丹的鲜丽。它凌寒开放,独占春风。在唐朝,许多文人志士仕途失意,便种茶自娱,以示高风亮节。在温州市大罗山化成洞古寺旁有一株树龄为1300年的古山茶,化成洞乃残唐诗人罗隐的隐居之所,罗隐酷爱花木,写下了许多歌颂桃、梅的诗篇,传说此山茶即为当时罗隐所植。 昆明市北郊龙泉山上有唐梅、宋柏、明山茶,号称三绝。1961年郭沫若游此,曾作《游黑龙潭》诗一首:“茶花一树早桃红,百朵彤云啸傲中。惊醒唐梅睁眼倦,衬陪宋柏倍姿雄。崔嵬笔直天为纸,婉转横陈地吐虹。黑水祠中三异木,千年万代颂东风。” 近年来,在我国广西南宁地区发现了一种黄色山茶花,这是十分稀有的珍品。 山茶于18世纪先后传到英国、美国,19世纪法国著名作家小仲马写了一本小说叫《茶花女》,茶花女玛格丽特喜爱茶花,每年花开时节,她25天戴白茶花,5天戴红茶花。由此,可以看出,茶花在欧洲的影响。
Camellia cultivation from the Sui and Tang Dynasties. Sheng Yu Song. Camellia has the charm of the peony, fresh and beautiful. It is cold and open, exclusive spring breeze. In the Tang dynasty, many of the literati and patriots became frustrated with their careers and began to entertain themselves with tea to show their style and style. In the ancient city of Wenzhou City Luohuashengdong ancient temple next to a tree-age of 1300 years of ancient mountain tea, Huacheng Dong is a residual Tang poet Luo Yin seclusion, Luo Yin love of flowers and trees, wrote many poems praise peach, plum, legend This camellia is implanted at that time Luo Yin. Longquan Mountain in the northern suburbs of Kunming Tangmei, Song Bai, Ming Mountain tea, known as the three must. In 1961, Guo Moruo traveled this way and wrote a poem entitled “Tour of the Black Dragon Pool”: “Camellia trees are early in the sky, , Tactfully spit rainbow .He Shui Temple in three different wood, thousands of generations of Song Dongfeng. ”In recent years, Nanning, Guangxi region in China found a yellow camellia, which is very rare treasures. Camellia in the 18th century has spread to the United Kingdom, the United States, the famous 19th century French writer Xiao Zhongma wrote a novel called “Camellia”, Camellia favorite Margherita, flower season every year, 25 days she was wearing white Camellia, 5 days to wear black tea flowers. As a result, it can be seen that Camellia’s impact in Europe.