友人苏阿冠(加籍华人)在中国工作期间于1983年赴美参加学术会议后,计划在回中国时去温哥华探亲。在芝加哥转机时,机场喇叭广播,如有人愿等下趟航班,让位给有急事的旅客,联合航空公司将不胜感激,下次购票可减200元。苏阿冠时间充裕,于是欣然让票。优待券一年有效,可再申请续一年。1984年阿冠携家定居加拿大,转眼就到1985年,优待券即将作废。航空公司答称此券不能转让,也不可延期。阿冠信笔写了一首打油诗,直寄联航总裁办公室。打油诗笔调轻松愉快,文风亦庄亦谐。数日后堂堂总裁亲笔回信,大意是“感谢先生对本公司的厚爱,让票助人。今读大作,鉴于阁下才思敏捷,我决定破例为你再延长一年有效期,以谢诗情。一诗换一年,不知先生意下如何?” 谁说诗词只是文艺消遣,就是在西方社会,打油诗也有商业价值,不信请看此例。
When his friend Su Aguan (Chinese Canadians) went to the United States to participate in an academic conference in China in 1983, he planned to go to Vancouver to visit relatives when he returned to China. When the airport transits in Chicago, the airport horn broadcasts. If someone is willing to wait for a flight, and give way to a passenger who is in a hurry, United Airlines will be greatly appreciated and the next ticket purchase can be reduced by 200 yuan. Su A crown was full of time and he readily accepted the ticket. Coupons are valid for one year and can be renewed for another year. In 1984, Aaron took home and settled in Canada. In twentieth an instant, coupons were soon to be set aside. The airline replied that the vouchers could not be transferred and could not be postponed. Ai Guanxin wrote an oil poem and sent it directly to the United President’s office. The poetry is easy and pleasant, and the style is also harmonious. After a few days, President Daxu wrote a letter in writing to the effect that “Thank you for your love for the company and let you help you. For this masterpiece, I’d like to extend the validity period for you by one year, in order to thank you for poetry. I do not know what the gentleman intended?" Whoever said that poetry is merely a pastime of literature and art, that is, in Western society, there is also a commercial value to play poems. If you do not believe this, please look at this example.