
来源 :江苏教育 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:aszxc1986
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靖江侯河区迎祥乡各阶层代表座谈会上,代表向我们教育工作者提了这样一条很重要的意见: “学校办得好对老百姓有好处,过去穷人没书读,现在大家都可以读书,不过现在小学里读书的学生,个个都不肯种田,这是很危险的.”这是劳动人民向教育工作者敲起了警钟,我们有责任反躬自问:学生不肯种田的这种品质,难道不是由于学校没有进行正确的劳动教育的结果麽?我们是勇於负责的,因此,应当把这种思想认为与我们教师有很大关系. 本来,我们努力提高人民群众的文化水平,目的是为了使人可以掌握生产技术,不断地提高我们的生产。在目前,虽然大力发展工业,特别是重工业是我们紧迫的任务,但丝毫也不能忽视农业生产的重要性,如果忽略了这一方面,我们就不能够顺利的建成社会主义.但目前不少学校很严重地忽视了劳动教育,或者只有片面的劳动教育。这些学校里的学生,只想当工程师、驾驶员等(这些志愿是好的,也是需要的),而很少有人愿意做农业生产工作.这是什麽道理呢?我想这可能是两方面原因造成的.一方面是没有认识到“在教育工作中,劳动应当是最基本的要素之一”(马卡连柯),新的人民的教育,应当为生产建设服务,不能脱离生产;另方面,教师本身仍存在有轻视劳动的剥削阶级意识。如启东县某小学校长公开表示:“我的儿子如果毕业後不能升学,宁可叫他考得坏些,争取不毕业,也不让他回家生产。”因此,在教师这种轻视劳动的思想影响下,使得好多学生学了文化以後,就不想劳动,特别是不想种田.如宜兴宋渎乡 At the symposium on behalf of all walks of life in Yingxiang Township, Houjiang District, Jingjiang County, the representative made a very important opinion to our educators: “Schools are good for the common people. In the past, poor people did not read books. Now everyone can read books , But now all students in primary school who refuse to farm will be very dangerous. ”This is a warning to educators from working people. Quality is not because the school did not carry out the correct results of the labor education? We are responsible and therefore, we should think of this idea has a great relationship with our teachers.We originally, we strive to improve people’s cultural level, the purpose Is to enable people to master the production technology and continuously improve our production. At present, although it is our urgent task to vigorously develop industries, especially heavy industry, we can not ignore the importance of agricultural production in the slightest. If we neglect this aspect, we will not be able to successfully build socialism. However, at present, many schools A serious neglect of labor education, or only one-sided labor education. Students in these schools just want to be engineers, pilots, etc. (these volunteers are good and needed), and very few people are willing to do agricultural work. What is the reason? I think this may be due to two reasons On the one hand did not realize that “in education, labor should be one of the most basic elements” (Makarenko), education of new people should be for production and construction, can not be separated from production; the other hand , The teachers themselves still have the awareness of the exploiting class who despise labor. For example, a principal in Qidong County publicly stated: “If my son can not go to school after graduation, he may rather ask him to study worse and fail to graduate or let him go home.” Therefore, in the teachers’ Under the influence of making a lot of students learn culture, they do not want to work, especially do not want to farm.
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