广西叶锋同志来信问:城镇居民住宅底层多为大开间的营业厅,二层以上住宅墙体靠底层顶的钢筋混凝土梁支承。那么,这根梁应如何计算?此问题是关于墙梁的计算方法,下面谈谈这方面的问题。 墙梁是由支承墙体的钢筋混凝土托梁及其以上计算高度范围内的墙体组成的组合构件。 墙梁按承重情况可分为:①承重墙梁。它除承受托梁和墙体自重外,还承受屋(楼)盖传来的荷
A letter from Comrade Guangxi Feng was asked: The ground floor of a residential building for urban residents is mostly a business hall with a large bay, and residential walls above the second floor are supported by reinforced concrete beams at the bottom of the floor. Then, how should this beam be calculated? This question is about the calculation method of the wall beam. Let’s talk about this problem in the following. The wall beam is composed of reinforced concrete joists that support the wall and the walls above the calculated height range. Wall beams can be divided according to load conditions: 1 bearing wall beams. In addition to bearing the weight of the joist and the wall, it also bears the burden of the house (building) cover.