Growth of un-doped BaF2 crystals doped with cerium, lanthanum and europium in the concentration range of 100-5000 ppmwt was carried out by the Stockbarger method under a non-vacuum environment using a deoxidizer. Deoxidizer growth method with simple equipment, without vacuum and mass production of large transparent single crystal. The emission spectra of these crystals were measured at room temperature for transmission, excitation, and X-ray and UV excitation. Excited by X-rays, a 1000 ppm doped Ce sample has two emission bands with peaks at 307 nm and 321 nm and is classified as a 5d-4f transition of Ce (3+) without other nearby cerium ions. The new emission band appeared in the 326 to 375 nm peak at 340 nm for 5000 ppm doped Ce crystals. The new emission band is still caused by the 5d-4f transition of Ce (3+) ions, interacting with other neighboring Ce ions, causing the 5d energy level to migrate toward lower energies. The 1000 ppm sample has the maximum luminescence intensity, and the blinking wavelength> 300 nm with a closed electron shell plus cation La (3+) seldom affects the CVT, but slows the emission of the slow (exciton) emission. BaF2: Fast / Slow Component Ratio of 1 wt% La Sample> Fast / Slow Component Ratio of Pure Sample. The lanthanum impurity inhibits slow components and keeps the hardness of the un-doped BaF2 irradiated. X-ray excitation BaF2: 100ppmEu emission spectrum presents two parts: relatively strong 300nm intrinsic slow component luminescence, and ~ 430 and 590nmEu (2+) ion two characteristics of weak?