Ben Brain将会告诉你如何用简单的方法减慢快门速度,制作一张黑白风格的简约艺术照。最近一段时间,使用长时间曝光拍摄的方幅黑白摄影作品非常流行。类似效果的摄影作品涉及到许多要素,但它们并不难掌握。显然,我们首先需要找到一处碧波荡漾的水面,以便在长时间曝光后得到云雾般弥散的效果。另外我们还需要给画面找一处兴趣中心——例如说半掩在水面下的礁石或者是停靠在岸边的小船等等。长时间曝光是让水面模糊的关键,但不是所有人都有耐心在海边等到光线足够暗的时候,所以我们将告诉大家如何使用中性
Ben Brain will tell you how to use a simple method to slow down the shutter speed, making a simple black and white art photo. Recently, the use of long-term exposure of the square footage black and white photography is very popular. Similar effects of photography involve many elements, but they are not difficult to grasp. Obviously, we first need to find a rippling water surface to get a cloud-like dispersion after a long exposure. In addition, we also need to find a picture to find a center of interest - for example, half hidden in the water under the rocks or docked on the shore of the boat and so on. Long exposure is the key to obscuring the water, but not everyone is patient at the beach until the light is dark enough so we will tell you how to use neutral