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腹腔内睾丸肿瘤不多见,腹腔内睾丸胚胎癌扭转引起急腹症更属少见。我院收治1例,报告如下。患者,23岁。于1988年7月20日出现腰部疼痛,当时可以忍受;数小时后,觉右下腹持续剧烈疼痛,腹胀,恶心,呕吐,发热(T 38℃)及排尿疼痛,以急腹症入院。体检:T 37.5℃,P90次/分,Bp110/90mmHg。腹部平坦,无肠型及蠕动波,腹肌紧张,右下腹部有明显压痛及反跳痛。实验室检查:WBC 11600/mm~3,N 85%;尿常规正常。拟诊:急性阑尾炎。在连续硬膜外麻醉下行阑尾切除术。切开腹膜时,见有血性液体流出。探查阑尾无炎症表现,而见右下腹盆腔内有一变黑之肿物。延长切口后显露出一15×7 cm大小之肿物,质硬,有完整包膜,带蒂,蒂扭转360度。将肿物完整切除。此时检查阴囊,始见右侧睾丸缺 Intraperitoneal testicular cancer is rare, intraperitoneal testicular embryonic cancer caused by reversing acute abdomen is even more rare. 1 case admitted to our hospital, the report is as follows. Patient, 23 years old. Waist pain occurred on July 20, 1988, and was tolerable at that time. A few hours later, the patient suffered from severe acute abdominal pain, abdominal distension, nausea, vomiting, fever (T 38 ° C) and urination and pain. Physical examination: T 37.5 ℃, P90 beats / min, Bp110 / 90mmHg. Abdomen flat, no intestinal type and peristalsis, abdominal muscle tension, right lower abdomen obvious tenderness and rebound tenderness. Laboratory tests: WBC 11600 / mm ~ 3, N 85%; normal urine. To be diagnosed: acute appendicitis. Appendectomy under continuous epidural anesthesia. Open the peritoneum, see a bloody fluid outflow. No appendicitis to explore the performance, but see the right lower quadrant pelvic a dark mass. Extend the incision revealed a 15 × 7 cm size of the tumor, hard, with a complete envelope, pedicle, pedicle torsion 360 degrees. Complete removal of the tumor. At this point check the scrotum, see the right testes
自1985年以来我们改变了尿道肉阜的传统做法,用改良的方法做了10例效果良好,现介绍如下: 手术方法局部麻醉。将小阴唇缝向外侧固定于大腿根部皮肤上,向尿道插入弗雷氏尿管注
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