盛夏酷暑,人们往往大汗淋漓,热不可耐, 喝什么饮料能有效地消暑降温呢?实践证明, “热茶最解暑”。 报载,英国有个临床研究中心,不信服 “热茶最解暑”的理论,曾邀请各界人士和公证 人参加验证。在一个高温达40℃的日子里,请 代表们选用各种饮料,随即测试皮肤温度。结 果表明,饮高档降温饮料者体表温度降不到0. 5℃,饮中国茶的有三组人,都令主持人吃惊: 9分钟后,饮凉茶者降温0.5~0.8℃,饮温 茶者降温0.8~1.5℃,饮热茶者降温1~2℃, 而且降温可保持15分钟以上。
Summer heat, people are often sweating, impatient, drink what drink can effectively cool down? Practice has proved that “the hottest tea hot.” According to the newspaper’s report, there is a clinical research center in Britain that does not convince the theory that “the hottest tea is the hottest tea” and invited people from all walks of life and notary public to participate in the verification. In a high temperature of 40 ℃ days, delegates choose a variety of drinks, then test the skin temperature. The results showed that people drink high-grade cooling beverage body temperature dropped to less than 0. 5 ℃, drinking Chinese tea has three groups of people, all make the host surprise: 9 minutes, drink tea cool 0.5 ~ 0.8 ℃, Cooling 0.8 ~ 1.5 ℃, drinking tea who cool 1 ~ 2 ℃, and cooling can be maintained for more than 15 minutes.