据《N Engl J Med》1999年341卷第6期报道 孕妇血清中人类免疫缺陷1型病毒(HIV-1)RNA水平与对传染病传给她们孩子才危险影响的其他已知因素关系的重要性仍不完全清楚。美国芝加哥西北大学妇产科学系P.M.Carcia医生等,对552例感染HIV-1并妊娠过一次的妇女其血清中的HIV-1RNA连续进行了测定。对她们婴儿感染的状况采用血培养和进一步分类做出评估,如果在出生后头两天获得的血培养为阳性则为早期感染,如果在出生后头7天获得的血培养为阴性而其后培养又
According to “N Engl J Med,” Vol. 341, No. 6, 1999, it is reported that the serum level of human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) in pregnant women is important in relation to other known factors that are dangerously transmitted to their children by infectious diseases Sex is still not fully understood. P.M.Carcia, MD, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Northwestern University in Chicago, USA, continuously measured HIV-1 RNA levels in sera of 552 HIV-1-infected and women who became pregnant. Assessment of the status of their infant infection using blood culture and further classification, early infection if blood culture positive during the first two days after birth, negative blood culture obtained after the first 7 days of birth and subsequent culture