2004年是浙江电视新闻发展的一个标志年。这个标志的两个具体标牌就是:《阿六头说新闻》和《1818黄金眼》。《阿六头说新闻》的内核是娱乐,《1818黄金眼》的内核是服务。在《阿六头说新闻》中,新闻不再代表严肃,不再仅仅是信息的传播和接受,甚至事件的发生和结果也不再重要,重要的是过程,一个让我们娱乐的过程。《1818黄金眼》把话语权交给普通百姓,服务的背后正是话语权的交付,在这个消费时代,在这个维权的时代, 媒体话语权可以转换为巨大的影响力。
2004 is a symbol of Zhejiang TV news. The two specific signs for this logo are: “Alhurin said the news” and “1818 Golden Eye.” “Ah Liu said the news” kernel is entertainment, “1818 Golden Eye” kernel is service. In Alhoushi News, news no longer stands for seriousness. It is no longer merely the dissemination and reception of information. Even the occurrence and the result of events are no longer important. What matters is the process and the process of entertaining us. “1818 Golden Eyes” puts the power of speech to the common people. It is precisely the delivery of the right to speak behind the service. In this era of consumer rights, the media discourse power can be transformed into a huge influence in this age of rights protection.