患者,男性,35岁。于1年前无意中发现左侧睾丸花生米大小的肿物,未治疗。2个月前偶有刺痛并向左腹股沟区放射。查体:肿物表面光滑,质中等,无压痛,界限不清,腹股沟未们及肿大淋巴节。自发病以来无发热、乏力、咳嗽、头痛,无尿频、尿急、尿痛,既往体健。肿瘤四项:甲胎蛋白2.29ng/ml,癌胚抗原 3.8ns/ml,铁蛋白 1205ng/ml,绒毛膜促性腺激素 0.81mIu/ml。初步诊断:1.左侧睾九慢性炎症;2.左侧睾丸肿瘤? 超声仪器:东软公司的NAS-1000,探头频率5~
Patient, male, 35 years old. A year ago, inadvertently found the size of the left testicular peanuts tumor, untreated. Occasional tingling 2 months ago and radiation to left groin area. Physical examination: tumor surface smooth, medium quality, no tenderness, unclear boundaries, groin and enlarged lymph nodes. Since the onset of fever, fatigue, cough, headache, frequent urination, urgency, dysuria, previous physical health. Tumor four: alpha-fetoprotein 2.29ng / ml, carcinoembryonic antigen 3.8ns / ml, ferritin 1205ng / ml, chorionic gonadotropin 0.81mIu / ml. Preliminary diagnosis: 1. Left testis nine chronic inflammation; 2. Left testicular tumor? Ultrasound equipment: Neusoft NAS-1000, the probe frequency of 5 ~