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近年来,陕西省扶风县积极探索好干部识别办法,通过民意、调研、跟踪、数据、纪实五种途径对干部德、能、勤、绩、廉进行分析考察,为干部画准“立体像”。民意分析考德行。采用会议述、逆向测、个别谈、延伸听、综合评的考察方法,考评干部德行。在干部选用、半年测评、年度考核、综合研判时,结合个人述职述廉述效同时述德,汇报德行表现,接受干部群众评议监督;把干部德的负面评价细化为16个逆向测评项目,组织所在单位干部职工和服务对象进行逆向 In recent years, Fufeng County, Shaanxi Province, has actively explored ways to identify cadres and conducted analysis and inspection of cadres’ morality, energy, diligence, performance and integrity through public opinion, investigation, tracking, data and documentary evidence. ". Opinion analysis Cowd line. Adoption of the meeting described, reverse test, individual talk, extended listening, a comprehensive assessment of the inspection methods, evaluation of cadres virtue. In the selection of cadres, six months of assessment, the annual assessment, comprehensive assessment, combined with personal job description of the effectiveness of the same at the same time Describe, report on the performance of morality, cadres and the masses to accept the evaluation of supervision; the cadre Germany’s negative evaluation is refined into 16 reverse measurement project, Organizations cadres and workers and service units to reverse
爱因斯坦相信抽烟斗有助于冷静、客观地判断人世间的大小事情。  福尔摩斯含着他的石楠根烟斗对华生说:“烟斗有时非常重要,除了表和鞋带以外。”在破解悬疑案件时,他通过烟斗的使用习惯,烟丝的种类以及现场惨烈的灰烬来分析人物性格,猜测身份甚至长相,非常神奇。  美国的麦克阿瑟将军抽一支玉米芯烟斗,深长的斗钵、细长的烟嘴,式样别致,透着一股粗犷的美,形象地衬托出麦克阿瑟不拘一格的个性和潇洒自如的风度。  从