由于地域、文化、习俗的不同,表达爱情的方式也各有千秋。其中有许多地方采用不同的食品联婚,颇为奇特有趣。 酒 居住在我国四川盐源的蒙古族小伙子,如果看中寨子里的哪一位姑娘,小伙子便要准备一葫芦罐酒托人送到姑娘家去。如果主人把送去的酒倒给送酒的喝,就表明姑娘有了对象或不同意;如果把送去的酒罐放至神龛上,并拿出自家的酒给来人喝,则表明这桩亲事可以考虑。过上一段时间,小伙子再托送酒的人去探听消息,如果姑娘家把送去的酒原封退回,就说明不同意;如果将送去的酒倒给送酒的人喝了,就表示这桩亲事已同意了。
Because of the different regions, cultures and customs, ways of expressing love are different. There are many places where different foods are married, quite exotic and interesting. Wine living in Sichuan Yanyuan Mongolian young man, if you fancy the village where the girl, the young man will prepare a gourd jar wine traitor to the girl’s home. If the host pour the wine sent to drink to drink, it indicates that the girl has the object or do not agree; if sent to the shrine to the shrine, and come out to drink their own wine, it shows that Parents can be considered. After some time, the young man asked the wine person to snoop on the news. If the girl returned the original wine in return, it means disagreement. If the wine sent to the wine drunk, it means that Pile parents have agreed.