有一道大胆而有趣的数学题:沧桑一世,几多时光付诸期待傲岸的花蕾?用这些只开花不结果的光阴可完成多少美好的事情? 可惜,这是道算不清的数学题,但期待却是与生俱来无法回避的课题。没有讲义,无人解说,发放的是自学文凭。说起期待,首先还得认清期待的颜色,因为期待是星罗棋布于人生之旅中独特的风景。说得浅显一些,期待就像街心的一把红雨伞,罩定粉红的心事左顾右盼;就像花前月下,心不在焉的目光数落星汉灿烂浪迹萍踪;就像一帘幽梦,顾影自怜的冥
There is a bold and interesting math problem: how long is it, how many hours are spent on the flower buds waiting to be proud? How many beautiful things can be done with these unfavorable times? Unfortunately, this is a math problem Expectations are inherent problems that can not be avoided. No notes, no explanation, issued a self-study diploma. Speaking of expectations, first of all have to recognize the color of expectation, because the expectations are dotted with the unique scenery in the journey of life. To put it bluntly, looking forward to like a red umbrella in the street, cover the pink mind looked around; just like the pre-month moonlight, absent-minded eyes on the brilliant traces of star Han Ping; like a curtain dream,