The recipe relies on nutrients, not the raw recipe technology, which relies on two tables, one for nutrient requirements and the other for feedstock feedstock data. The nutritional needs of fish and shrimp, in theory, can go to quantitative. This is the theory of quantity nutrition, is the basis of nutrition. We simply say that the fishmeal is good, or that the fishmeal is not good, mainly based on the content of some nutrients in fishmeal. One of the basic principles of nutrition is additivity, that is, nutrients are additive. If we rely heavily on a particular ingredient, we actually show that nutrients are not addictive. For example, a fish lysine needs 1.8%, 1.8% can come from a variety of raw materials, but also from amino acid additives. Additiveness is manifested in the design of the formula as a substitute between the raw materials, if the loss of substitutability between raw materials, it lost the meaning of formulation formula formulation.