一、概况 1973年大连市根据工农业和城市居民用水日益增长的需要,提出修建碧流河水库,于年底报出水库工程初步设计。碧流河水厍位于大连市新金县双塔乡与主河县荷花山乡分界的碧流河干流上。碧流河发源于盖县境内的七盘山,于新金县谢家屯附近流入黄海,干流全长156km流域面积2714km~2。坝址距河口55肠,水库控制面积20 85饭2,占全流域面积的74.1%。坝址处多年平均年逸流量7.2亿m3。
I. Overview In 1973, according to the growing needs of agriculture, industry and urban residents, Dalian proposed the construction of the Biliuhe Reservoir and the preliminary design of the reservoir project at the end of the year. The Biliu River Water Bream is located on the mainstream of the Biliu River, which is bordered by Shuangta Township, Xinjin County, Dalian City, and Hehua Mountain Township, Zhuhe County. The Biliu River originated from Qiban Mountain within Gaoxian County and flows into the Yellow Sea near Xiejiatun in Xinjin County. The total length of 156km of the mainstream is 2714km2. The site of the dam is 55 away from the mouth of the river mouth, with a controlled area of 20 85 rice 2, accounting for 74.1% of the total drainage area. The annual average annual runoff at the dam site is 720 million m3.