Pediatric ECG is different from adults, neonatal ECG and other age children are also very different, in the first few days after birth are also different. However, neonatal respiratory dysfunction, electrolyte imbalance, cardiomyopathy, ventricular hypertrophy, and the evaluation of cyanosis and murmur, ECG diagnosis is very helpful, so we in 1963 normal neonatal electrocardiogram for an analysis of 70 cases. MATERIALS AND METHODS Subjects: 58 healthy newborns were normal delivery and full-term newborns in our hospital. The body weight was 3000-3500g. The clinical observation and physical examination were normal. Within 24 hours after birth, 10 cases were for 1-2 days 13 cases, 2-3 days in 20 cases, 3-4 days in 10 cases, 4-5 days in 5 cases, a total of 58 cases. The 58 cases of male 32 cases, 26 females, 58 cases of 42 days after discharge to hospital for reexamination of 12 cases of ECG and neonatal control, a total of 70 cases. Research methods. We use Sweden produced two copies of the Mingography water jet straight record, are using the same machine, the same technician operation, the quasi-voltage 1m.v. = 10mm, each case as a standard lead Ⅰ, Ⅱ, Ⅲ, monopolar A total of 13 leads, including lead, aVR, aVL, aVF, lead V_3, R, V_1, V_2, V_3, V_4, V_5 and V_6, were placed in accordance with international standards. Another one review.