
来源 :现代物理知识 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:WANGZHHUO
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1.自然界中的浸润现象当把一种液体沉积于固体表面上时,由于液体、气体以及固体分子间的作用力,液体最后会处于平衡状态,这时气、液、固三相交点处气、液界面的切线会与固液界面线成一定角度的夹角,这种现象称为浸润,形成的角度称为接触角。对于水这种常见液体,一般人们把水滴接触角小于90°的表面称为亲水表面,接触角大于90°的表 1. The phenomenon of infiltration in nature When a liquid deposited on a solid surface, due to the liquid, gas and solid molecules between the force, the liquid will eventually be in equilibrium, then gas, liquid, solid gas at the intersection of gas , Liquid interface tangent line with the solid-liquid interface angle of an angle, this phenomenon is called infiltration, the formation of the angle is called the contact angle. For the common liquid such as water, people generally call the surface whose water contact angle is less than 90 ° as the hydrophilic surface and the contact angle greater than 90 °