
来源 :乙醛醋酸化工 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:hongshouwang123
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众所周知,全球可持续发展大趋势体现在节约能源、食品保鲜、城市建设、健康生活、原材料可持续使用等几个方面,而聚氨酯材料在这几个领域的可持续发展中扮演着重要作用。近年来,聚氨酯行业在新能源、交通运输、节能、日用品、医用材料及生物基材料等方面的应用取得很大进展,并产生了比较好的经济效益。目前尤其有40%~50%的能源用于建筑的制冷或制热,低能耗房屋要求节省能源大于70%,而聚氨酯硬泡是已知材料当中最有效的保温材料; As we all know, the global trend of sustainable development is reflected in energy conservation, food preservation, urban construction, healthy living, sustainable use of raw materials and several other aspects, and polyurethane materials play an important role in these areas of sustainable development. In recent years, the polyurethane industry has made great progress in the application of new energy, transportation, energy saving, daily necessities, medical materials and bio-based materials, and has produced relatively good economic benefits. Currently, in particular, 40% to 50% of energy is used for building cooling or heating. Low-energy houses require energy saving of more than 70%. Polyurethane foam is the most effective thermal insulation material among known materials.
陶瓷,在人类进化史中有着不可磨灭的辉煌,为人类做出了巨大的贡献。今天,随着科技进步和有识之士的不断努力,在战胜影响人类生存的环境污染、保护生态环境和合理开发资源中,陶瓷也焕发出了更加灿烂的奇光异彩。  如今,在我们的日常生活中,虽然各种金属、玻璃、塑料、橡胶以及其他材料大量涌人家庭,但是陶瓷仍然是人类生活中不可缺少的良伴。随着人们审美、保健和环保意识的不断增强,陶瓷的生产工艺日益完美,花色品种也越