强劲的中澳贸易,以及中国企业在开发利用澳大利亚矿产资源方面日益增长的投资,给双方带来了共同需要或相互合作研究开发矿物产品的新机遇,将有力地推动相关行业的发展.南澳大利亚州是一个重要的铜、铀、锆石和葡萄酒等生产中心,并有大量尚待开发的磁铁矿资源.粘土矿物研究将可能由此直接受益.开发当地粘土矿物用于细粒铁矿石造球,需要研究评估粘土矿物的适用性并深入挖掘粘土矿物提高高炉效率的潜能.粘土纳米复合材料的阻隔氧气渗透性的独特优点,可用于开发盛装葡萄酒的多层复合PET容器,有利于快速促进中澳葡萄酒贸易,具有环境和经济等多重效益.这些研究开发将有助于扩大中国粘土生产企业的市场,也有助于提高南澳铁矿球团等原产品质量以更好地满足中国工业的要求.“,”Strong trade relations between China and Australia and increased investment by Chinese companies in the developmentof Australian mineral resources provide an opportunity for joint or shared research to advance industry developments in both countries.The state of South Australia is an important centre for copper,uranium,zircon and wine production and has large,undeveloped resources of magnetite iron ore.Clay research could directly benefit this trade.Investigation of alternative clay binders for pelletizing fine-grained iron ores,using local clays,is required to assess their suitability,and their potential to improve efficiencies in blast furnace operation.Increasing the barrier properties of clay nanocomposites to oxygen diffusion through multi-layer PET containers for wine would have environmental and economic benefits for the rapidly growing wine trade.The research could assist to expand markets for Chinese clay producers and lead to improved raw products from South Australia that better meet the requirements of Chinese industry.