<正>A new method for analyzing high-speed circuit systems is presented. The method adds transmission line end currents to the circuit variables of the classical
In this letter, the communication transmitter transient signals are analyzed based on the time-variant hierarchy exponents of multifractal analysis. The species
1.很久很久以前,有一个会飞檐走壁的贼,一日在行窃时被人捉住。众人拳打脚踢,但却不见他喊痛皱眉。 2.众人觉得奇怪,问他练的啥功夫不怕击打,他说有秘方,开始他不肯说,但在众
The change of the equivalent baseline and interferometric phase of cluster SAR satellites is analyzed when the constellation circles around the Earth and the sa
The weakness of classical watermarking methods is the vulnerability to geometrical distortions that widely occur during normal use of the media. In this letter,
人体的安全信号和疲劳有以下三种: 一、心理性疲劳:因某些因素造成的焦虑和失望引起,如工作、学习、家庭不满意,终日郁郁寡欢,忧心忡忡,又不便发泄,憋在心里,长此下去便会出