在斜坡道产尘机理研究的基础上,测试分析夏甸金矿-770~-760 m水平斜坡道内粉尘浓度,得出了含尘气流分布规律,并结合现场环境,提出了一种粉尘浓度超限智能自动化喷雾降尘技术,实现了喷雾自动化及人体智能化感应防湿.治理后,总粉尘浓度由47 mg/m3降至7 mg/m3,降尘效率为85.1%,呼吸性粉尘浓度从36.3 mg/m3降至5 mg/m3,降尘效率达86.2%,降尘效果显著,耗水量较普通喷雾节约了2/3,且降低了巷道温度,在治理粉尘的同时,节约了资源,提高了工作效率.“,”Based on the study of ramp dust production mechanism, dust concentration of horizontal ramp in -770 ~ -760 m level of Xiadian Gold Mine is tested and analyzed, the airflow distribution regularity is discussed. Combing with field environment, the dust concentration overrun intelligent automatic spray dust removal technique is proposed, the goal of spray automation and human body intelligent induction moisture prevention are realized. The dust governance effects show that the total dust concentration is decreased from 47 mg/m3 t0 7 mg/m3 , dust removal efficiency is 85.1% , respiratory dust concentration is decreased from 36.3 mg/m3 t0 5 mg/m3 ,dust removal efficiency is 86.2% ,the dust removal effects is significant, water consumption is 2/3 less than that of conventional spray, roadway temperature is lowered, and related resources is saved, besides that, the working efficiency is improved.