捷克斯洛伐克的营林发挥着生产性和社会性的双重功能。在具有突出经济重要性的森林中,应用的营林措施都是经过科学验证的。这些措施之一就是在云杉林分中确定株行距。对按照古老的马利亚布兰林业研究所(old instilu-te Mariabrunn)的方法营造的一块长期的试验地进行了分析,这块试验地位于克里姆(Kurim)森林企业17b_2部分的贝德里乔夫(Bedrichov)林区,定为170号林。地理坐标为东经16°25′,北纬49°21′。海拔高为670米,年平均温度6.8℃,降水量720毫米。地质系由
The forests of Czechoslovakia play a dual role of production and sociality. The applied silviculture measures have been scientifically validated in forests of outstanding economic importance. One of these measures is to determine the row spacing in the spruce stand. An analysis of a long-run trial site based on the old instilu-te Mariabrunn method, which was conducted at Bedrjovev in section 17b_2 of the Kurim forest enterprise, (Bedrichov) forest area, set at 170 forest. The geographical coordinates are 16 ° 25 ’east longitude and 49 ° 21’ north latitude. 670 meters above sea level, the annual average temperature of 6.8 ℃, precipitation 720 mm. Department of Geology by