Advances in computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging of hepatocellular carcinoma

来源 :World Journal of Gastroenterology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:marine_ogz
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Hepatocellular carcinoma(HCC)is the most common primary liver cancer.Imaging is important for establishing a diagnosis of HCC and early diagnosis is imperative as several potentially curative treatments are available when HCC is small.Hepatocarcinogenesis occurs in a stepwise manner on a background of chronic liver disease or cirrhosis wherein multiple genes are altered resulting in a range of cirrhosisassociated nodules.This progression is related to increased cellularity,neovascularity and size of the nodule.An understanding of the stepwise progression may aid in early diagnosis.Dynamic and multiphase contrast-enhanced computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging still form the cornerstone in the diagnosis of HCC.An overview of the current diagnostic standards of HCC in accordance to the more common practicing guidelines and their differences will be reviewed.Ancillary features contribute to diagnostic confidence and has been incorporated into the more recent Liver Imaging Reporting and Data System.The use of hepatocyte-specific contrast agents is increasing and gradually changing the standard of diagnosis of HCC;the most significant benefit being the lack of uptake in the hepatocyte phase in the earlier stages of HCC progression.An outline of supplementary techniques in the imaging of HCC will also be reviewed. Hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) is the most common primary liver cancer. Imaging is important for establishing a diagnosis of HCC and early diagnosis is imperative as several potentially curative treatments are available when HCC is small. Hepatocellular carcinogenesis occurs in a stepwise manner on a background of chronic liver progression or cirrhosis wherein multiple genes are altered resulting in a range of cirrhosisassociated nodules. This progression is related to increased cellularity, neovascularity and size of the nodule. An understanding of the stepwise progression may aid in early diagnosis. Dynamic and multiphase contrast-enhanced A computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging still form the cornerstone in the diagnosis of HCC. Ann Review of the current diagnostic standards of HCC in accordance to the more common practicing guidelines and their differences will be reviewed. Ancillary features contribute to diagnostic confidence and has been incorporated into the more recent Liver Imaging Repo rting and Data System. The use of hepatocyte-specific contrast agents is increasing and gradually changing the standard of diagnosis of HCC; the most significant benefit being the lack of uptake in the hepatocyte phase in the earlier stages of HCC progression. Ann outline of supplementary techniques in the imaging of HCC will also be reviewed.
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摘要:6-氟-4-色满酮是医药生产中常用的一种药物中间体,它的合成方法有很多。本文选择起始原料对氟苯酚与3-氯丙酸,通过碘化钾与聚乙二醇PEG-400进行催化,再用浓硫酸与之产物对氟苯氧丙酸进行环化,合成6-氟-4-色满酮。这种改进后的药物中间体6-氟-4-色满酮的合成方法具有操作简便、反应时间短、收率高以及安全性高等优点。本文即主要介绍了这种合成方法,仅供参考。  关键词:药物中间体;6-氟-4
当绝大多数考生正在备战2013年高考时,她已经收到了包括常春藤联盟的康奈尔大学、布朗大学以及复旦大学、同济大学等国内外9所名校的录取通知。她就是合肥一中高三“理工科女生”朱容鋆。  扎马尾辫的小女生,被多所中外名校青睐  扎着马尾辫,头发有点自然卷,鼻梁上架一副眼镜,这就是记者见到朱容鋆的第一印象,文弱小女生。但一聊起来记者才发现,这个文弱女生,可真的不简单哦。  1995年出生的朱容鋆先后参加了
一个南京的小学生熊捷,偶然交了一个笔友,是云南省怒江州自贡市马吉乡的小学生余丽芳。  两个小学生在书信里无话不谈,亲亲昵昵,居然一起走过了七年,从稚气未脱的小孩,一起长成了含苞待放的少女。  然而后来,余丽芳突然失去音信。她家没有电话,唯一留下的学校地址也是查无此人。任凭熊捷再三去信追问,均是石沉大海。熊捷坐立不安,等待了整整一年,终于拿着七年的书信,走进了电视台。  两个小女生的友谊出现悬疑,值
目的 通过对有围绝经期综合征症状的妇女进行步行与广场健身舞两种有氧运动训练,探讨有氧运动对妇女围绝经期综合征症状的影响.方法 采用目的抽样的方法,在某市社区选取有围