
来源 :人民教育 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:nqwei
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一个人很难拒绝由自己参与作出的决定,不挥舞权杖的决策才是最安全的决策。2015年7月,我参加了本区教育系统第一届中小学校长公开遴选活动。经过激烈的竞争,我中选了,教育局将一所在建小学交给我。从事学校行政管理工作已有15年,人到中年迎来教育生涯的全新局面,于我而言既是机会又是挑战。这是一所位于城市建设新区 It is hard for one to refuse the decision made by oneself to participate, and the decision not to wield the scepter is the safest one. In July 2015, I participated in the public selection of the first primary and secondary school principals in the education system of this district. After fierce competition, I was selected. The Education Bureau gave me a primary school under construction. Having worked in school administration for 15 years, the new situation in which middle-aged people can embark on an educational career is both an opportunity and a challenge for me. This is a new district located in the city
摘要:本文从现代化进程的现状出发,讨论生态环境因素对现代化进程的影响,由此提出生态现代化是当前现代化进程的主要内容。生态现代化理论主张实现经济发展和生态保护的双赢,有着广泛的适用性和现实的迫切性,对当前全球气候问题乃至人类今后的生存发展有着重要的意义。  关键词:生态现代化;和谐社会;启示  一、现代化进程的现状  追求现代化是人类整体进化的原动力,它与不断满足人的需求、不断提高人的素质、不断培育