Medulla is a common form of dental pulp calcification, nodular calcification, more common in the pulp chamber, was round or irregular shape. Currently accepted universal hypothesis on the formation of myeloid is caused by external stimuli degeneration and necrosis of dental pulp cells, and the formation of calcification center, deposition of calcium salt into myeloid stone [1]. More common in elderly patients. This article reports a case of full-mouth multiple myelolithiasis in a young female orthodontic treatment. 1 case data patient female, 25 years old, Han nationality, teacher. Due to “bleeding gums bleeding ” in 2016-02-13 to the Second Affiliated Hospital of Xinjiang Medical University Department of Stomatology. Readme Orthodontic treatment in the Outer Court from December 2012 to January 2015 due to improper maintenance during treatment