Chiropractic therapy is a traditional regimen, is a relatively special method of back massage, pinch the back by the elderly, take, knead, according to other means to rehabilitation, with clear the meridians, kidney impotence, anti-aging effect. Neurasthenic, back pain, high blood pressure, asthma, diarrhea and other geriatric diseases with good rehabilitation. The method is as follows: The elderly take off the shirt, prone on the bed, legs straight, the whole body relaxed. Family members of the elderly warm their hands with hot water (summer does not need), and then gently massage the back of the elderly from top to bottom three times, to relax their muscles. Pinch the back of the specific operation in two ways, one is the thumb and forefinger, middle finger on the match, holding the skin, the thumb in the back, the index finger, middle finger in front, and then the index finger, twist the middle finger, thumb forward, Pinch