自从技术上的标准成熟之后,国内对于宽带上网的宣传力度从没有减弱过。然而虽然几种主流的“最后一公里”接入技术通过媒体的不断灌输已深入人心,在应用上,VOD 视频点播、远程医疗等也耳熟能详,但实际的应用状况却如同雾里看花,更多的是停留在广告宣传上。总之,宽带给人的印象就是,说的多,做的少。宽带的烧钱速度绝不亚于.com,但是以目前这种应用现状来看,宽带的春天还远未到来,那么宽带在这种大规模炒作下会不会重蹈.com 的覆辙,这是值得所有人深思的问题。宽带这盘棋下到现在,谁输谁赢已经不是关键,关键的是怎样解决目前存在的各种问题,让宽带市场吸引更多的目光。
Since the technical standards are ripe, the domestic publicity for broadband Internet has never diminished. However, although several mainstream “last mile” access technologies have been deeply rooted in the media, in terms of applications, VOD video-on-demand and telemedicine are also well known, but the actual application situation is like watching mistakes and more More is to stay in advertising. In short, broadband gives the impression that, say more, less done. Broadband burn money no less than .com, but the current status of such applications, the broadband spring is far from over, then the broadband in this large-scale speculation will not repeat. Com’s mistakes, which Is worth everyone’s pensive questions. Broadband This game until now, who lost who won is not the key, the key is how to solve the existing problems, so that the broadband market to attract more attention.