细节的较量WeMadeFoX. Moon VS SK.WhO

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魔兽争霸发展到现在,连浩方上的初级玩家都知道暗夜精灵打兽族要用吹风流、人族开矿要造很多塔,顶级选手就更不用说了,战术和操作都已经相差无几,在比赛中拼的就是心态和细节。就拿我写战报来说,早期写战报都是写战术,谁谁谁在什么比赛里面用了什么新战术,就拿出来写一写;后来没有什么新战术了,就开始写操作,谁谁谁在什么比赛里面玩飘逸了用操作把人家打得找不着北了,也可以写成一个战报。直到现在,没前途的我还在写战报,战术和操作都已经写烂了,心态这东西我也不是选手肚子里的蛔虫,实在是写不来,就只能写写双方选手在比赛中的细节了。 The development of Warcraft up to now, even the primary players on the ho know the Night Elf playing Orc to use the hair flow, Terran mining to create a lot of towers, not to mention the top players, the tactics and operations have been almost the same, in the game Spelling is the mentality and details. Take me to write the battlefield report, the early write battlefield report is to write tactics, no matter who in what game which used the new tactics, took out to write a write; then no new tactics, and began to write, who is who What game play inside elegant use of the operation can not find the North, can also be written as a battlefield report. Until now, no future I still write a battlefield report, tactics and operations have been written rotten, this thing I am not a contestant belly roundworm, it is impossible to write, you can only write both players in the game Details
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