1病例资料某患儿,女,10岁,体质量30 kg,因“咳嗽3 d,晕厥1次”急诊入院。入院前3 d,患儿出现轻咳,无发热,在当地卫生室给予头孢曲松钠3.0 g、利巴韦林注射液0.3 g一同加入0.9%氯化钠溶液100 m L中静脉滴注,同时给予氨溴索葡萄糖注射液(用量不详)静脉滴注,每天一次,治疗3 d。治疗第二天,患儿于输液完成后出现头晕、视物模糊、黑曚、面色苍白、四肢无力,无意识丧失,
A case of a child, female, 10 years old, weight 30 kg, because “cough 3 d, syncope 1 ” emergency admission. 3 d before admission, children with mild cough, no fever, ceftriaxone sodium in the local health clinic 3.0 g, ribavirin 0.3 g together with 0.9% sodium chloride solution in 100 m L intravenous infusion, At the same time give ambroxol glucose injection (an unknown amount) intravenous infusion, once a day for 3 days. On the second day of treatment, the patient developed dizziness, blurred vision, blackheads, pale face, weakness of limbs, loss of consciousness,