1990~1994年塔什干第一医学院口腔颌面外科收治5772例患者,1936例(33.5%)化脓性炎症患者中,有11例(0.56%)死亡,男7例,女4例,年龄22~77岁。广泛性蜂窝织炎合并脓毒症8例,上唇痈合并脓毒症2例,慢性下颌骨骨髓炎1例;前10例发病4~10d入院,后1例发病后4月入院。入院前化脓灶引流不畅或用药不足,或未拔除病灶牙。 入院后充分引流化脓灶,有10例经锁骨下静脉插管给广谱抗生素(头孢唑啉、庆大霉素等),口服磺胺制剂,脱敏解毒和全身支持疗法等。进行血液生化检查和
From 1977 to 1994, 5772 patients underwent oral and maxillofacial surgery in Tashkent First Medical College. Of the 1936 patients (33.5%) with purulent inflammation, 11 (0.56%) died, 7 males and 4 females, aged 22 ~ 77 years old. 8 cases of extensive cellulitis combined with sepsis, upper lip 痈 merged with sepsis in 2 cases, chronic mandibular osteomyelitis in 1 case; the first 10 cases admitted to hospital for 4 ~ 10d, 1 case after onset of admission in April. Pre-admission abscess poor drainage or lack of medication, or did not remove the lesion tooth. After admission, full drainage of abscess, 10 cases of subclavian vein cannulation to broad-spectrum antibiotics (cefazolin, gentamicin, etc.), oral sulfonamides, detoxification and detoxification and systemic supportive therapy. Blood biochemical tests and