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强化理论因其具有的行为矫正功能近年来受到国内外心理学和教育界的广泛重视。鉴于家庭教育在孩子人格和行为习惯养成上的不可替代性以及很多中国家庭教育的方法失当,强化理论对家庭教育的意义重大。一、强化理论的形成及基本内涵强化理论是教育心理学的一个著名学习理论,它的提出和完善经历了一个较长过程,其代表人物分别有俄国著名生物学家巴甫洛夫、美国的行为主义心理学家桑代克、斯金纳等,是他们在不同时期的研究结论共同成就了该理论。其中 In recent years, the theory of strengthening has been paid extensive attention by psychology and education circles at home and abroad due to its behavioral correction. In view of the irreplaceability of family education in the development of children’s personality and behavior and the failure of many methods of family education in China, strengthening theory is of great significance to family education. First, to strengthen the theory of the formation and basic connotation Strengthening theory is a famous learning theory of educational psychology, its proposed and perfected experienced a longer process, the representative of the famous Russian biologist Pavlov respectively, the United States Behavioral psychologists Thon Dyke, Skinner, etc., are the results of their research at different times together to achieve the theory. among them
如果没有明天,你会留下什么?很多人从未想过。韩国掀起为自己办葬礼热潮,思考“生死”这个人生大问题。    房间里,烛光摇曳,哀乐悠扬,布满鲜花的祭坛前,卜相珠宣读自己的遗嘱,哽咽不已,“真不敢相信今天是我活着的最后一天。”  “老公,今天是我们相聚的最后一天,我想对你说,对不起,我常常只想到自己,也不是个体贴的妻子。爸爸妈妈,想到你们,我只想哭,我爱你们。”说到这儿,她已泣不成声,哭倒在地。接着,