
来源 :天津社会科学 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:ylycxr
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从表象来看,生活在我国现实中的人们似乎已经感觉到市场经济与人的存在方式的相互影响,但从理性认识上,人们并没有真正从市场经济角度深入理解人的存在方式所发生的变化及其意义,也没有真正从人的存在方式角度深刻理解市场经济的本质及其实现。其实,在市场经济与人的存在 From the perspective of appearance, people living in the realities of our country seem to have felt the interaction between the market economy and the existence of human beings. However, from a rational perspective, people do not really understand the ways in which human beings exist from a market economy perspective Changes and their significance, nor did they truly understand the essence of the market economy and its realization from the perspective of human existence. In fact, in the market economy and human existence
唐代画家周昉的名画《簪花仕女图》,工笔重彩,让人惊艳不已。画中的女子们云鬓高耸,鬓上除了簪有步摇一类的饰品,还簪有一朵美丽的鲜花,或牡丹,或芍药,或荷花不等。画上的仕女,低眉,眼睛细长,朱唇一点,体态丰腴。   盛装的仕女或拈花扑蝶,或戏鹤逗犬,生活安逸懒散,我注意到一个特点,即便是嬉戏,画中的女子大多也是低眉顺眼,不悲不喜,安详从容,自有一种温婉平和的底蕴在其中。   喜欢“低眉”这两个字。