生存大挑战?想来一定很刺激。这不,山东省荣成市成山镇马山宗小的队员们就亲历了一次“生存大挑战”。队员们说:“这下,我们可开了眼!挑战“海上” 周未,一大早,队员们就起了床。吃完早饭,带上干粮和矿泉水,骑上自行车,一起来到马山码头。渔民于伯伯早已准备好了渔船和网具,开始教授队员们一些打鱼的本事。首先,撒网。“撒网时一部分网挂在左胳膊肘上,然后用右手将另一部分呈圆圈状撒向大海。”于伯伯的话音刚落,队员们都争先
Survival big challenge? Want to be very exciting. This is not, Shandong Province Rongcheng Chengshan Masanzong small team members have witnessed a “survival challenge.” The team members said: “This time, we can open our eyes! Challenge” sea "Weeks, early in the morning, the team members got out of bed. After breakfast, bring dry food and mineral water, ride a bike, come together Mashan dock fishermen at Uncle had already prepared fishing boats and nets, began to teach team members some fishing skills .First, cast nets .Sun cast some network hanging on the left elbow, and then use the right hand to the other part Sprinkle into the sea in a circle. Uncle Bob's voice faded, players are the first to fight