The State Economic and Trade Commission(SETC)and the Ministry of Foreign Trade andEconomic Cooperation(MOFTEC)havejointly issued a circular providing methods forthe authorization to the enterprises supplyingtungsten and antimony products for export.The conditions of receiving the authorizationare based on the principle that the smelters orfabricators must be those already licensed forproduction by the related State departments.Inaddition the producers should also comply withthe following conditions:
The State Economic and Trade Commission (SETC) and the Ministry of Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation (MOFTEC) have jointly issued a circular providing methods forthe authorization to the enterprises promising and antimony products for export. These conditions of receiving the authorizationare based on the principle that the smelters orfabricators must be those already licensed for production by the related State departments. Additional conditions the producers should also comply with the following conditions: