China has a major opportunity to innovate,influence and grow in pursuit of sustainability,DuPont Chairman and CEO Charles O.Holliday,Jr.said at the ninth annual China Development Forum in Beijing on March 24th.“In 2020,sustainability will be a fact of life for all industries,all governments,and all societies around the world,”said Holliday,who is serving as the Forum’s co-chair.“Technology will continue to shape our lives and livelihoods in ways that are both expected and unexpected.Because of the sheer size and influence of the Chinese economy,China is in a unique position to influence how these technologies will evolve and
China has a major opportunity to innovate, influence and grow in pursuit of sustainability, DuPont Chairman and CEO Charles O. Holiday, Jr. atid at the ninth annual China Development Forum in Beijing on March 24th. ”In 2020, sustainability will be a fact of life for all industries, all governments, and all societies around the world, “said Holliday, who is serving as the Forum’s co-chair. ” Technology will continue to shape our lives and livelihoods in ways that are both expected and unexpected.Because of the sheer size and influence of the Chinese economy, China is in a unique position to influence how these technologies will evolve and