1999年是一个里程碑,新大洲也在这时迎接一个新时代的到来。十年磨就一剑的锋芒还在熠熠闪烁,新大洲人已迈开了铸造第二个十年辉煌的步伐。正是在这一刻,基于对未来市场以及服务的深刻认识,新大洲推出了服务技师制度,它意味着新大洲向服务的新时代迈出了坚实的一步。 一、所有顾客都推荐我们 这是梦想,还是可以达到的目标? 市场经济在经历了生产导向、产品导向、销售导向
1999 is a milestone, and the new continent is also welcoming a new era. After ten years, the sharp edges of the sword are still flashing, and the people of the new continent have already begun the brilliant steps of casting the second decade. It is at this moment that based on a deep understanding of the future market and services, the new continent has introduced a service technician system, which means that the new continent has taken a solid step toward a new era of service. First, all customers recommend us This is a dream, or can achieve the goal? The market economy has experienced a production-oriented, product-oriented, sales-oriented