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什么是远大的理想?什么是真正的爱情?这是青年们十分关心的一个问题。影片《等到满山红叶时》,选材于广大青年所关心的爱情生活,它通过电影演员吴素琴与她做为“模特”的朝云号江轮上的三副杨英在对待生活、理想、爱情上的不同情操,告诉人们:以个人幸福为基础建立起来的爱情,只能象海边的沙滩一样越挖越浅,而以共同的理想孕育的爱情,才能象磐石一样永远牢不可破。影片的艺术构思是较为巧妙的。它先从转变人物——电影演员吴素琴写起,用她作为整部影片的贯穿线,写她为了饰演“三副”到 What is ambitious ideal? What is true love? This is a problem that young people are very concerned about. The film “until the mountains when the leaves,” the material selection in the majority of young people are concerned about the love life, through the movie actor Wu Suqin with her as a “model” of the cloud number on the river three Yang Ying in the treatment of life, ideals, love On the different sentiments, tell people: love built on the basis of personal happiness can only be as shallow as the beach of the sea, but love that is conceived by the common ideal can never be broken like a rock. The artistic conception of the film is more subtle. It started with the transformation of characters - the film actor Wu Suqin wrote, with her as the thread of the entire film, write her in order to play the “three” to
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以前上学时喜欢穿着NIKE,叼着Marlboro在街上招摇,陶醉在一种所谓摩登的气氛里。那种感觉就一个字,飘! 可现在想起来剩下的都是后怕,幸亏那时的广大群众比较宽容,对我这种涉世不深的青年给予了
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