近些年,我常有一种感慨,这就是:中国当代的一些作家,一些文人,实在是过于聪明了。 这里的聪明,是指一种做人之道,一种生存策略,一种活命智慧,一种处世技术,是指“世事洞明皆学问,人情练达即文章”,是指一种形而下的立身手段。在这些方面,中国当代的一些作家,一些有大名的文人,真
In recent years, I often have a feeling that this is: Some contemporary Chinese writers and some scholars are really too clever. Here is the smart, refers to a way of life, a survival strategy, a living wisdom, a life skills, refers to “know everything about the world, human practice that the article” refers to a means of establishing themselves . In these respects, some contemporary Chinese writers, some famous writers, really