我院现有职工91人,其中卫生技术人员78人,乡(镇)卫生院有专职妇幼医生38人,村有兼职妇幼医生832人,接生员608人。自1982年以来,我们从妇幼保健工作的迫切需要出发,有组织、有计划、有步骤、有目的地采取多层次、多渠道、多形式的方法,对市、乡、村三级妇幼保健人员进行全面培训,有效地提高了妇幼保健队伍的技术水平和工作能力。我们的具体做法是: 一、选送出去进修、重点培训我院有计划地遴选学科带头人和技术骨干到上级医
There are 91 staff and workers in our hospital, including 78 health technicians, 38 township (town) hospitals and 832 part-time women and children doctors and workers and 608 midwives. Since 1982, starting from the urgent need of maternal and child health care work, we have taken a multi-level, multi-channel and multi-modal approach in an organized, planned, step-by-step and purposeful manner to educate the MCH persons at municipal, township and village levels Conduct comprehensive training and effectively raise the technical level and working ability of the MCH team. Our specific approach is: First, choose to send out for further training, focusing on training our hospital to select the academic leaders and technical backbone to the superior doctor