The Primary English Classroom Teaching Based on the Psychology of Foreign Language Learning

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  Chapter One Introduction
  Research shows that in this stage of 4-12 years old child have strong ability to learn foreign language, the pupils not only have strong curiosity but also are good at imitation, their psychology characteristics decide to that primary stage is the best time to learn foreign language, Nowadays in our country much attention has been paid on foreign language teaching in elementary school.Lively and interesting scenes, visual aids, interesting game can around students interest. They can improve their study motivation, the author of this thesis thinks that in the English classroom teaching in elementary school it is very necessary to know the psychology of students’ foreign language learning and the author of this thesis thinks that theses will help people to make their English classroom teaching in elementary school more effective.
  Chapter Two the Theoretical Basis
  1. The Definition of the Language, Learning and the Psychology of Foreign Language Learning’s Origin
  The Definition of the Language :
  Language as a system of arbitrary sound symbols, It makes people can communicate each other for someone who belonging to a particular culture or have other people in this culture system.(Wang, 1990:3)
  In summary, we must first understand the definition and features when we learning a foreign language that is also have great significance of enlightenment for our English teaching. Teachers can take some effective teaching methods base on those features that make their English classroom teaching in elementary school more effective.
  2.The Psychology of Foreign Language Learning and Primary English Classroom
  Teaching under the Guidance of Psychology of Foreign Language Learning:
  In English class, it is very crucial to take the corresponding teaching measures to create a relaxed teaching environment in classroom that Let students trust teachers and like the teacher's class. At the same time, between the teacher and the students should also establish a democratic, equal relationship that it helps with our teaching, so that between students and teachers have a certain interaction that it is good for enhance the quality of teaching.
  3.Improvement of Pupils’ Motivation in Learning Foreign Language
  3.1 Creating Suitable Language Environment to the Content of Teaching Materials
  The children are always interested in interesting things, but it is very difficult to around their interesting for boring things, so it is very necessary to creation the scenarios that related to the textbook, which can around their interesting.   3.2To Give Pupils Some Reasonable Encouragement
  The research has given us inspiration: (1) Believing that the student is the sustainable development of human and we should treat children with positive evaluation, besides, we also encourage children to continue to progress. (2) Paying attention to the positive role of the appreciation education and then expanding their influence in secondary students, let more children more optimistic to life and learn.
  3.3 To Pay Enough Attention to Pupils to Build up Their Confidence
  We should help student correct learning attitude, we also talk to him in daily life and analysis of the situation of him, so that he will full of confidence in learning; we should help him to develop practical methods that let students have a clear goal and it can add student’ confidence in the future. We also should carefully observe the students and find out the suitable method for their learning.
  Chapter Three Conclusion
  Through the observation of primary school English classroom show that (1)Knowledge teaching process different from students’ cognitive stage, the strong learning motivation and interest can promote students to study English. (2)In English classroom teaching , one must teach his pupils in accordance with their aptitude according to the psychology of foreign language learning of different age pupil. (3)The strong learning motivation and interest of learning English need students subjective to participation and choice.
  According to the type of English curriculum different from content of English curriculum, Teachers use different method in teaching. Through classroom observation found that lively and interesting scenes, visual aids, interesting game can around students interest.
  In the classroom teachers not only use a variety of teaching methods to learning, but also to organize the classroom discipline, teachers also according to the teaching goal reasonable to arrangement the teaching contents. We should regard students as the main body and according to the psychology of foreign language learning to make classroom lively and interesting.
幼儿期间的科技教育重点应放在对幼儿人文精神和创新意识的一名教育上,从而激发幼儿对科学现象的亲近感、好奇心、求知欲,引导幼儿通过各种感官亲身经历探究活动的过程,寻找“合乎自然”的答案,获得对周围物质世界及其相关系的经验过程。引领幼儿热爱科学、关爱生命、善待生灵、主动探索、勤于创造,对幼儿科学人文素养和人格发展奠定基础。对幼儿进行科学期启蒙教育。那么幼儿教育中如何实现幼儿科学教学任务呢?  一、为幼儿
小学德育是基础教育,小学生可塑性强,是培养个性的关键时期。学校教育应该“育人为本,育德为先”。老师要以“为人师表,教书育人”作为工作准则,从大处着眼,小处入手,踏踏实实致力于“传道授业解惑”事业。  一、教育学生要做品德高尚的人  思想品德教育是一门科学,老师必须充分利用课堂和实践活动,引导学生日益增长精神文化,促进身心健康成长。小学阶段必须教育学生要爱国,要善良、有爱心,要有服务意识。  1.要
我是一名非师范院校毕业的学生,几年前走上了特岗教师的岗位。几年来领略了作为教师的快乐与艰辛。为使以后进入到教师行列中的学弟学妹们能够尽快地适应工作,谈一些感受以飨学弟学妹们。  一、要有足够的“吃苦”准备  根据国家的规定,特岗教师必须分配到农村以及边远地区学校任教。由此,我分配到了离县城30多公里的一所农村中学。当时学校正在建设教师周转房,很多拆迁的教师需要安置,住宿很紧张。为此,学校为我们新分
一、探索实践篇  (一)将经典诵读融入日常教学  1.坚定不移地落实经典诵读“四个一”  一是确保学生每天在校诵读经典的时间。将中华诵读活动纳入教学计划之列,把学生在校阅读时间列入课程表。每周一节阅读课,老师指导学生独立阅读中华经典诗文;每天晨读,由学生独立选读中华经典诗文,大声朗读时间15分钟;每天午练,学生可抄写自选的美文片断,时间20分钟;语文课前安排两分钟由各班按学生座号轮流把自己每天读过
400米跑介乎短跑和长跑之间,是一项难度较高的径赛项目,对运动员既有速度的要求,又有耐力的考验。笔者希望能通过对400米跑的运动员速度耐力训练的研究,为科学训练提供理论依据,改进对运动员的训练方法,以科学化的训练来提高运动员400米跑的水平。  一、研究对象与方法  (一)研究对象  我国优秀400米跑运动员  (二)研究方法  1.文献法  2.调查法  3.定性分析  通过对400米跑项目过去
一、电容器的分类  电容器的种类很多,分类方式也多种多样。  (一)按照电容器的容量是否可调分三大类  固定电容器、可变电容器和微调电容器。  (二)按照介质的不同可以分为以下几类  有机介质电容器、无机介质电容器、电解电容器、电热电容器和空气介质电容器等。  (三)按用途分类还可以分为  高頻旁路、低频旁路、滤波、调谐、高频耦合、低频耦合、小型电容器。  二、电容器的用途  近年来,随着科学技术
运用多媒体的开放性的以实验探究为主体的教学改革,最后发展成为借助多媒体技术、灵活实用的实验探究型教学模式.物理教学的每一次变革,都是物理教学认知水平的一次提升,都是物理教学认识的升华。  为此,我们必须更新教学观念,培养学生搜集和处理信息的能力、获取新知识的能力、分析和解决问题的能力,以及交流与合作的能力。经过几年的实践,笔者在教学中积极探索实践,发现探究式教学在物理教學中能起到至关重要的作用。主
道德是一种社会意识形态,它是人们共同生活及其行为的准则与规范。老子在其《道德经》中阐述到:“道”是万物万法之源,创造一切的力量;“德”是为顺应自然、社会和人类客观需要去做事的行为,不违背自然发展规律,去发展自然、发展社会,提升自己的践行方式。 因此,道德既是引导人们追求至善的指路明灯,又是调节社会矛盾、促进社会和谐的调节器。一个人道德的水平高低不仅会影响社会和谐,也会影响一个国家的国际形象。“少年
一、中外教合作教学目标  我校的英语课经历了几个时期的探索,为更好地推进中小学英语学科教学内涵发展和质量提升,有效解决当前英语教学中学生综合语言运用能力不强、各学段教学衔接不够紧密、评价方式单一等深层次问题,教师不但要树立英语学科教学意识,还要树立培养具备中国心,世界公民的教育理念,最终实现学科整合与国际教育接轨。  在中外教合作教学模式中,教师注重学生主体,有更充沛的精力创设适合的、自然的英语学