板栗瘿蜂Dryocosmus kuriphilus(Yasumatsu)是我国板栗的重要害虫。邹钟琳于1956年在江苏望亭发现为害板栗Castanea mollissima。近年来河北、陕西、江西、湖南、湖北、福建、浙江等省均有发生,在江苏已遍及各板栗产区,东进林场1962年因此虫为害板栗产量较1960年减80%。 此虫在日本已作过研究(鸟居,1956;Kajiura,1955;田村,1961;Nakamura,1964,等),我国尚少见报导,笔者将二年来观察所得整理于后,以供有关方面参考。
Dryocosmus kuriphilus (Yasumatsu) is an important pest of Chinese chestnut. Zou Zhonglin was found in Chengting, Jiangsu Province, in 1956 for Castanea mollissima. In recent years, Hebei Province, Shaanxi Province, Jiangxi Province, Hunan Province, Hubei Province, Fujian Province and Zhejiang Province all occur in all areas. In Jiangsu Province, chestnut production area has been spread throughout the country. In 1962, the output of chestnut in Dongjin Forest Farm decreased by 80% compared with 1960. This insect has been studied in Japan (Torii, 1956; Kajiura, 1955; Tamura, 1961; Nakamura, 1964, etc.). It is still rare in our country to report that the author has compiled the observations for two years for reference.