法拉利总能以最敏锐的感觉来引领跑车世界的设计风潮,这一次的FF就吸引了无数的目光。这是一款法拉利历史上注定被铭记的车型,因为它的设计、配置乃至操控性能都让忠实的法拉利拥趸瞠目结舌,进而欢呼雀跃。FF是英文Ferrari Four(四座和四轮驱动)的缩写,这款新车带来了全新的GT跑车概念,标志着对原有理念的颠覆性突破,它不是一次升级换代,而是一次真正的创新。这款新型V12跑车不仅展现了前所未有的浓烈运动气息和卓越的性能特色,更
Ferrari always with the most sensitive feeling to lead the sports car world design wave, this time FF has attracted countless eyes. This is a Ferrari has always been impressed in the history of the model, because of its design, configuration and handling performance are loyal Ferrari fans staggering, and then cheer. FF is the abbreviation of English Ferrari Four (four and four-wheel drive), this new car brings the concept of the new GT sports car, marking a subversive breakthrough on the original concept, it is not a replacement, but a real innovation . This new V12 sports car not only demonstrated unprecedented concentration of sports and excellent performance characteristics, but more