Objective To explore the application effect of PDCA cycle in improving the coverage of clinical path management. Methods To find out the problem of clinical pathway management coverage in a hospital was not high. The PDCA cycle was used to carry out root cause analysis, to develop rectification plan, to implement rectification measures, to regularly check and continually improve, and to conduct a comparative study before and after the implementation of PDCA cycle. Results After the application of PDCA cycle, through the establishment of incentive mechanism, the establishment of management requirements, building information platform, expanding the category of disease, strengthening department training so that all levels of medical staff at hospitals understand the importance of clinical path management, actively carry out clinical path management, The rate of clinical pathway management in a hospital accounting for asymptomatic patients increased from 18.24% to 33.67%, reaching more than 30% of discharged patients for clinical path management. Conclusions The use of PDCA cycle to improve the management of clinical pathways may expand the coverage of clinical path management and standardize the entire medical practice.